Our Services
Burton Community Church invites everyone seeking "inspiration, not indoctrination!"
Burton Community Church is a Christian fellowship joining thoughtful individuals from diverse faiths together in a spiritual community. Inspired by the piano and choir direction of local talent Maggie Laird, hymns and "special musical appearances" offer an uplifting experience within our historic and beautifully simple sanctuary. A variety of regular and guest ministers and speakers of varying backgrounds join us to share their many different perspectives about life and bible readings. After prayer, song, and reflection, we gather for coffee, light snacks, and great conversations following the service.
Join Our Choir
BCC Choir
Directed by Maggie Laird
Love to sing? Join our choir. We practice at 10 a.m. each Sunday. The choir sings an anthem on each month's 2nd and 4th Sundays.
Who We Are
A person driving by Burton Community Church, or taking a stroll through this historic community, can't help but notice the two magnificent Norway spruce that have grown tall since their planting in the 1920s. That was an important decade for the community and the church. The congregation was organized in 1893, with members meeting in private homes until the building was ready in 1897. Down through the years, there have been additions and modifications, but the church is still recognizable in photos that have survived the many decades. Folks in those early years didn't travel about the island with the ease that so many do now, and many families wanted a church that would meet the needs of a growing and diverse community. In 1928, the church was reorganized and renamed the Burton Community Church, with members coming from many spiritual backgrounds.
This diversity of faith is still found within the congregation.
–Gordon Fisk, Church Member

Our History
The Burton Community Church's doors opened in 1897 by a group of individuals led by Reverend S.W. Beavens. The church was built on land acquired by a land grant in 1897 and was then known as the First Baptist Church of Burton.
Many of the early BCC ministers were missionaries, serving in China and Burma.
In 1907, a church parsonage was built west of the church. By 1923, the North and West rooms of the church were added along with the basement and two Norway Spruce.