BCC Choir
Directed by Maggie Laird
Love to sing? Join our choir. We practice at 10 a.m. each Sunday. The choir sings an anthem on each month's 2nd and 4th Sundays.

Our History
The Burton Community Church's doors opened in 1897 by a group of individuals led by Reverend S.W. Beavens. The church was built on land acquired by a land grant in 1897, and the church was then known as the First Baptist Church of Burton.
Many of the early BCC ministers were missionaries, serving in China and Burma.
In 1907, a church parsonage was built west of the church. By 1923, the North and West rooms of the church were added along with the basement and two Norway Spruce.
In 1928, the church was reorganized and renamed to reflect more accurately the diverse religious backgrounds of its members. It was then named Burton Community Church.
In 1956, Lewis Hall was built, and it was named after Alfred John Lewis, a member of the church.
In 1963, a new parsonage north of Burton was built.
A great celebration was held in 1997 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of this church. It is the oldest church building on Vashon Island, used continuously as a place of worship.
BCC has had a total of 29 ministers. Reverend Marcus Walker was our pastor from 1995 to March 2011. Rev Jeff Rutschow shares a story from the Bible every first Sunday of the month. Other Sundays are filled with guest ministers or lay-led services, including messages, music, poetry, and scripture discussion.